Day 457 Chatter


I don't often dine alone, but when I do I make the best choices! I was at the hospital bright and early, happy to see my patient sitting up enjoying a few clear liquids. We took a few strolls up and down the hallway, pleased to see him moving around so soon. A specialist came in to give us both an extensive lesson on Ileostomy care, it's amazing the knowledge gained as you travel through life. When the morning visiting hours ended I made my way to the local Greggs restaurant for lunch. Dining alone can be strange but at times it is quite nice to sit, order whatever you want and listen to the chatter from all the strangers around you. I happened to be sitting near a group of old ladies that were carrying on about their cell phones. One of the ladies was trying to teach the others a few cell phone tricks and their banter kept me entertained. As I sat alone, eating and eavesdropping I even had occasional outbursts of laughter due to their conversation. I suppose this is how I sound to my children when I try and explain technology? I was back at the hospital for the afternoon visiting hours, finding a parking spot isn't easy so I arrived extra early. Tim wasn't as comfortable throughout the evening hours, not surprising after seeing the significant incision made during surgery. He's certainly going to win a scar contest in the future, I'm sure he'll enjoy showing it off once he's feeling better. Isn't it funny that we've all been there to see folks show off their wounds as a if they were a badge of courage? Isn't not as if these are battle wounds but I suppose that which doesn't kill us does make us stronger. Tim had surgery years ago for a small speck of skin cancer and has saved the photo of it to show off his wound whenever he gets a chance, imagine what he'll do with this one? I better take a picture while his wound is still at it's goriest! Once the evening visiting hours were over I headed home, the dark, rainy drive seemed endless as my exhaustion grew. Continuing on with my good decisions, I was off to bed as early as possible. Each day brings us closer to having Tim home so each nights sleep is counted as a major step forward. 


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