Day 458 Smoke and Mirrors

Chatting with my friend I was reminded of how easy it is to camouflage and distract attention. This photo was taken a few years ago after I had just had surgery on my forehead just two days earlier! I had a small skin cancer spot that was to be removed, not realizing it would leave a two inch vertical scar on the middle of my forehead. Tim and I had a wedding to attend so I set to work figuring out how to hide the Frankenstein vibe that seemed impossible to disguise. My daughter, once again my hero, came up with this fancy hairdo that swept across my entire forehead, completely covering any glimpse of the scar and off we were to the party! I received more compliments on my hairstyle then ever before and other than popping Tylenol here and there for the pain, no one knew the gore underneath all the glamour.  I suppose we never know the pain folks may be hiding, the scars, traumas or emotional wounds. As Tim and I prepared for his surgery, not knowing what to expect, I would point out folks to him who seemed to be overcoming life's obstacles. On our cruise there was a man in a wheel chair, a quadriplegic who was vacationing with family and friends. This man became my role model, out and about enjoying life regardless of the obstacles life has thrown at him. I'm equally impressed with the folks who's challenges aren't as visible, realizing we all have them and we never know what's being concealed. Tim and I  will meet the new challenges life shows at us with greater appreciation for each other and for our beautiful life together. His wounds will heal, scars fade but our appreciation for life and love has only been enhanced. He's making good progress, crossing our fingers he'll be home soon. I'm sure he'll be out and about in no time, even if we have to work a little smoke and mirror magic to conceal his wounds. 


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