Day 459 Small Wins


The smallest gestures can make the biggest impressions. After four days of rushing to and from the hospital, an evening at home was necessary. A friend came by with a small pizza and entertained me with her company. Even though the main topic of conversation was related to health it was nice to have a moment of relative normalcy. I had been up and to the hospital early, arriving extra early to find one of the few elusive parking spots. After a few laps around the lot I felt as if I were a lottery winner when a car pulled out of a spot right across from the hospital entrance and I was right there to claim it! It's the little things that can change a persons day and I cherished this small win. Tim was feeling fairly good throughout the morning but took a turn for the worse during the afternoon hours. Two steps forward and one step back is still moving forward, although not sure he felt well enough to agree.  The hospital is very strict about visiting hours, not even the spouse can stay with their patient in off hours, leaving Tim and I only texting contact through the night. Around 2am he seemed to take a turn for the better, pain was once again manageable and he was able to text with me and let me know he was ok. Taken off all food and drinks and back on IV fluids only, his body clearly needed rest.  As nice as it will be to have him home, I appreciate all the care he's getting and know he's where he needs to be right now. Soon enough these days will be in our distant memories, we may even forget about the day to day struggles. I can imagine Tim will have a few great stories from his experiences, ready to entertain family and friends once he's feeling better. Not sure there will be any humor found remembering the daily hunt for a parking spot, Tim always gets the best stories!  


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