Day 466 Kook


A beautiful, warm, crisp fall day is just what the dr. ordered. I believe fully in the power of sunshine and the great benefits of vitamin D, both lacking from hospital life. As the boss of Tims home recovery I require him to get outside for at least twenty minutes a day to soak in the fresh air and feel natures healing powers. I realize I sound like a kook but don't care, there's more to healing than pills. Our friends stopped by with fresh, homemade soup and sat for a visit, life seemed normal for a bit. I knew they'd be disappointed if they expected to Tim looking ill, he was sitting up looking great, chatting and making jokes. As much as he says he doesn't want to see anyone, a visit here and there is good for him and essential to my mental health! It's hard to imagine when you feel crappy that you'll ever feel fine again, but having already see vast improvements with his recovery, I'm sure it won't be long before he's up for entertaining. I seem to be working double-time taking care of the house, yard and my #1 patient. The leaves have returned on my front walkway, time for me to get my leaf blower back out! As far as the leaves all over my lawn, isn't it good for them to be left alone, better for the grass? Keeping up with it all has me on my toes, but hasn't left much time for frivolous holiday decorating. I have skipped over the wonderful fall decorating and might as well roll right into Christmas cheer at this point. Before I bring out the garland and candy canes I'll be cooking a Thanksgiving feast and taking stock in all that we have to be thankful for. Life will always have it's trials but with our family all healthy and happy we don't have much to complain about, especially when we can walk outside on a warm November day and feel the warmth of the sunshine on our faces! I stand by my prescription for sunshine and fresh air, Mother Nature seems to have gotten my memo and has brought both in abundance. 


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