Day 468 Gifts


Another quick trip to the store for a few more flowers, why not? I found these birch wrapped containers while thrift shopping, not sure what they were designed for but think they make great vases. A small bunch of fragrant chrysanthemums with a few greens from my backyard arranged in my new thrift find make the perfect little centerpieces, if I do say so myself. As long as I'm home caring for my patient I might as well surround myself with beautiful things. I find it strange that when a man is sick, hospitalized or otherwise down people don't send gifts, compared to the plethora of items a woman would receive. Are we just easier to buy for? When I broke my nose the gifts rolled in on the daily, flowers, candles, food, jewelry, I was showered with tokens of love. Tim is certainly loved by everyone, but it hasn't translated into gifts, I'm guessing people just don't know what to give a man or think they don't need prizes. The crazier thing is, he doesn't care, he's happy with a text here and there and doesn't seem to realize gifts would be flowing in if he were a woman. Of course, he has me pampering him, waiting on him night and day, cooking, cleaning and spoiling him rotten. Maybe that's why I was showered with gifts, people were sympathetic to the fact that when injured I was still fending for myself, making my own meals and caring for myself without a Florence Nightingale to help me? My guess is if Tim had his choice of gifts or being waited on he'd be happy with things being just the way they are. I don't think anyone needs to feel badly for him, he's never been more spoiled, I jump up to turn on or off a light for him, bring him cold beverages, warm meals, treats and see to his every wonder I'm buying myself flowers! 


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