Day 469 Friendship


There's really nothing like an early morning walk on the beach, especially when you get a warm day in November. Melissa and I began our walk along the seawall, not sure how long we'd last in the cold air and wind. To our delight, the warm air rolled in and wind died down allowing us to walk our four miles in warmth and sunshine. Walking in sand certainly puts a few muscles into play that normally slack off on our bike path route. Breathing in the ocean air, listening to the crashing surf while chatting with one of my oldest and dearest friends might be my favorite way to start a day. I get caught up being busy just as easily as the next but no matter how hectic life gets, I'll always find time for a walk with a friend, better than any therapy on earth. We chat about whatever's going on, home, work, family, gossip, fashion nonsense or nothing, topics don't matter. You'd think after over fifty years of friendship and countless walks we'd run out of chatter but we always seem to find new topics with no need to explain our history. We're also fortunate to live within minutes from the beach, a luxury not taken for granted. The best part of the walk is when I return home to find Tim still sound asleep, unaware that I've snuck out and enjoyed the best part of the day. You'll never find him walking the beach in the early morning, like so many, he's more of a sunset kind of guy. After our walk Melissa and I begin our busy days, but always feel slightly superior, having captured the best part of the day as others slept. I can see Missy and I continuing our walks until we're old and gray...ok, older and grayer, never at a loss for new topics of conversation or appreciation of our beautiful home state. 


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