Day 475 Holiday Cheer
Bring on the holiday cheer! The task of removing fall decor and replacing it with Christmas embellishments. I scurried around the house all morning, pumpkin shaped soap gone, Santa in, mums out, holly in. Contemplating if I should put my tree up yet or wait a few more days? Tim thinks I should wait until December, but I think that's mostly because he was tired of having me scurry around him. I'm sure he was pleased when I turned my efforts outside, once again battling the falling leaves. My chickens were overjoyed with the enormous pile of leaves blown into their coop. The leaves give such great entertainment and work well as insulation from the cold ground. I clipped greens and arranged several pots at my front door, will add lights another day but the groundwork is coming together. I may go balls to the wall and get all the decorating done this week, why not? This is the first year without The Christmas Tree Shops, what's a gal to do for holiday towels, monogramed tissues and random holiday gift items? Fortunately I saved my plastic Santa soap dispenser to refill, he wasn't easy to find last year! Much to Tims delight, I worked outside for several hours, leaving him to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet. I was back inside in time to fix him dinner and get a few more holiday items out. As much as he wants to wait a week for our tree, I'm not sure that will happen, why put off until tomorrow what can get done today? Oh, and Tim and I took a drive to Theatre by the Sea to buy our season tickets for next summer, yay!! Tim now considers his holiday shopping for me done!! That's fine, I love having four great shows lined up for the summer and really can't think of anything I need or want anyway. Tim rejected the idea of the tickets being our gifts to each other, says they are for me, he must have a wish list lined up! As our home transforms into a holiday wonderland I'm filled with gratitude for all life's blessings and happy to say I have everything a gal could ever want.