Day 477 And so it begins!


And so it begins, holiday cheer with all its festive lights, treats, spirits, gifts and cherished time with friends and family. Not sure why this time of year seeing the folks we love is more important than any other day, but somehow we put more stock in it. Once children get married or move away our holidays together become more rare, understandably divided between families and work schedules. My daughter made smart choices early on, Thanksgiving with my son in laws folks, Easter with me, alternating Christmas, not that people don't or can't complain but it sure seems fair to me. Although, with all the dividing up, where's her own family traditions at home? Each Christmas when it's my "turn" to have her family at my house I offer up my time for them to opt out if they would rather stay home. Pleased she prefers to still come for dinner I'm equally happy she can do so without feeling obligated. Stress  creeps into our holiday season no matter how hard we try to avoid it. When my parents divorced our holiday time was divided, my mothers Christmas Eve and morning then over to my Dads for noon. As adults my mother began extending her time to include a dinner. My dad began a new tradition of Christmas Eve Day, shifting with time while maintaining a family gathering. Tired of feeling pulled apart, I began my own tradition of never leaving my house on Christmas Day. I wanted my kids to have time at home to enjoy the holiday in their pjs without feeling guilty for not being somewhere. I still feel the best gift I can give my children is the gift of guilt free holidays, to do or go wherever they choose or stay home if that's what makes them happy. I cherish my time with family on any given Tuesday just as much as on Christmas morning and appreciate them on the daily throughout the year.  As the holiday season gets into full swing, I'll be sending out cards, decking my halls, cooking and baking, ready to host at a moments notice. I'll be happy to have visitors but equally content with the happiness of my loved ones, wherever they are. 


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