490 Beach Treasures


Some days finding a photo is a struggle, other days it's hard to select one. Up early, continuing on my writing, running, determined to have my new habit stick. Once I was finished with my morning routine, I met Melissa at the seawall for sunrise walk, filled with gratitude that such an amazing location is within minutes from my home. As I waited for her to arrive, I was pleased to see this person walk out onto the pier, unwittingly giving me a fantastic image. I know I boast about the beauty of the morning sun coming up over the water, but I'm outdone and blown away by Mother Nature once again.    My legs hurt as we walked, my new habit reminding me of the work we've done. Habit stacking is the only way I'll be successful with such a torturous routine. What's habit stacking? It's simply when you add a  habit (hopefully a desirable one) on top of a habit you already do each day. Since my routine is waking up and writing, the easiest thing for me was to stack my running as part of my writing, so it becomes intertwined with the first set routine. I'm a week away from being able to call it part of my routine, but habit stacking is statistically the way to achievement, so I see success in my future. By the time Tim woke up it felt like I had lived a lifetime  and as I made him breakfast he heard all about the sunrise he missed out on.  My mother came by with treats for him, before she and I headed out to another craft fair, this one at a beautiful winery. I was inspired by a few craft items and now have a plan for my Christmas gifts for 2025, thankful for the year I have to make them happen! A quick stop home to make lunch for Tim before heading out once again, this time to a cookie swap. My first cookie swap ever, usually I'm too skeptical of baked goods from unknown kitchens, but this swap was at my beach club, where I know and trust everyones kitchen cleanliness....I know, I know, so picky! It was really something to see, seventeen participants and not one cookie alike, making for a beautiful cookie tray. Now what? all these cookies and a couple weeks before Christmas, to freeze them? eat them? Of course, I came home, unwrapped and dug right in, offering Tim an array of delicious holiday cheer. I'll use my tray as a taste tester to determine what to bake as it gets closer to the big day. All the days cheer has me more and more excited for the holiday and all the fun that comes along with it. As I continue to search for the perfect gifts for everyone, I was so pleased to find several lucky rocks along my morning walk, the perfect little gifts that I'm sure my kids will treasure, yes, I give rocks, but only very special ones. Thankful Mother Nature was kind enough to provide me with such a delightful sunrise then supply me with gifts for the Christmas, she really outdoes herself! 


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