Day 480 Cards Glorious Cards


Address book out, Christmas cards in the making! I admit there are years that I can't seem to pull it all together and accomplish everything for the holiday season, this year won't be one of them. Tree up, halls decked, cards set to mail on December 1st, staying on my tasked timeline. I'm not sure how folks do it without an old school address book and a system. After each card I write I jot down a note as to what I sent, or if it's a X-mas card I simply write the year. Necessary since not everyone in the book gets a Christmas card but may have been added for another reason, so other coded note entries can also be found.  The send back card also has a system, if someone sends me a Christmas card they may be added for the following year, I have a sidebar spot to save their addresses and although I won't send one back the same year, the next year I'll get one out to them first! As I explained my system to Tim, he questioned if I marked down who we received cards from, fair question but I really don't need to be on someones list to let them know I'm thinking of them so I don't track that. I absolutely love having new folks added to my list, means I've made new friends that I will keep forever! Once in the book you're in it for life as I'm a collector of friendships over and above all else. This year I added a handful of new addresses, making me smile remembering all the fun I've had throughout the year with these new friends. It won't come as a surprise to them, since I texted them asking for their addresses and telling them I'd be adding them into my holiday card rotation, adding my address to the text and letting them know I'll also be accepting cards. I'm not bashful about things, why should I be? We waste too much time in life waiting for things, wondering about things, I find the straight forward approach is best. I'll be hanging my red ribbons up along my dining room doorways and patiently awaiting the beautiful cards to come in and decorate my wall with love. In our world of technology I'll keep my old address book, pen and paper are sometimes vastly more efficient. Our new generation of digital spreadsheets will never understand the old school address book and card sending system! Some years I may not have it all together but so far this year is looking bright. 


  1. First Xmas card of the season arrived today thank u! Xoxo rick and melissa


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