Day 481 Reindeer Games


If you visit my house you can count on a few things, #1 there will be a required silly game, #2 you can always grab an Andes mint on your way out! I didn't even realize #2 until a friend made a comment about it, as she grabbed her mint and said how much she loved the fact that she knew it would be there for her in the little side dish in my living room. Now I can't walk by that dish without thinking of her and making sure it stays full, Andes pressure! If you think I love silly games throughout the year, well then, Christmas with the family is my super bowl of silliness! Each year I hide little cards under eat dinner plate with one of the twelve days of Christmas verses. After dinner everyone discovers their card and as we sing the entire song with each person hopefully belting out their verse. Whoever gets Five Golden Rings has a lot to live up to after my son in law did such a fantastic rendition last year. It may sound like a silly game but to see my grandchildren laugh at the grown ups participating in such silliness makes it a keeper. I've been thinking up new games for this year, I can only imagine how excited my family will be!! Fortunately for me, they are good sports and for the most part go along with my reindeer games. After all, they can take a little treat when they leave so why not have some fun, eat some chocolate and let your silly side out? Imagine how impressed my friend will be for the holiday Andes in my dish?? Tree is up, cards are in the mail, decorations continue and reindeer games are being created, oh what fun!! 


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