Day 487 Girl Time


The 80's may not have been the greatest decade for fashion, but was a great time to raise kids. No cell phones, I pads, computers just old school board games, books and family time. I was one of those moms that had dinner on the table every night at 5pm, had my kids set the table and help clear the dishes. The days  somehow seemed slower, easier, although at the time I'm sure I would have given my left arm for a good nights sleep. My daughter was always a rule follower, helpful, polite and eager to show off her ability to follow directions, my boys, although great, weren't afflicted with this same drive. My poor girl must have been so stressed, being perfect takes its toll. I often wish she could see herself through my eyes, she'd be so impressed! She's kind, thoughtful, smart and of course beautiful, certainly one of my life's greatest treasures. In a house full of boys, our girl time has always been rare but cherished. Now that she's all grown up with her own family of boys, we still try to sneak out for time alone whenever we can. Fortunately for me, she's also my hairdresser, giving me built in chat time with her although I hate to have her take time out of her busy day for my hair. A fresh cut and a quick rinse to cover of my gray had us enjoying a slice of time together, even if it was work for her. We chat on the phone daily but nothing beats sitting together, uninterrupted. When she was little we use to go see the Nutcracker Ballet each December, just the two of us. We'd get all dressed up, enjoy the matinee performance then head out to dinner. It was a yearly tradition we both looked forward to. One year we brought her brothers, who thought they were missing out on something. I still remember the joy on my sons face at intermission when the applause made him think the show was over. His smile faded when I told him it was only half way through, they never asked to go with us again. For some crazy reason my daughter and I stopped going to the ballet each year once she was grown up, we went occasionally but weren't committed to our routine. Hockey practice for both of my grandsons dominates her winter schedule, endless practices, games and travel trying to keep up with two busy boys. I may have to look into tickets for a show this year, sneak her out for a date and spend the day 80's style, kicking back, relaxing, like we don't have a care in the world. 


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