Day 488 Fruits of my Labor
With great care comes beautiful rewards. I haven't always had luck with plants but over the years have tried to learn each of their needs, the right amount of light, water, placement and attention matter. Some plants are easy for me, since I tend to over water and move them around at will. The Christmas Cactus seems to be a bit more of a fickle friend, doesn't like to be watered often or accept a new location easily. Imagine my pride when a years worth of efforts were rewarded with bright pink beautiful blossoms. It gives me hope that in time, even the hardest challenges will be fruitful. My new exercise routine is similar, not easy and certainly requires finding the right balance. Of course with any new fitness routine, immediate results are expected and when this doesn't happen frustration can easily set in. I am determined to continue my morning run each day and have already contemplated how to increase the milage each week. OCD comes in handy when forcing a new habit, relentlessly regimented in routine can be a good thing, right? It takes two weeks to form, or break a habit so I have another week to go before I can boast success, but I'm working towards it. Yes, my body hurts, how in the world does running make your whole body sore? A bit of clarification, I'm not running to compete against Usain Bolt, I'm more of a slow jog, only impressing myself, but aren't I the only person that really matters in this case? I printed out a quote to tape on the face of my treadmill, "Todays workout will be tomorrows warm up", guessing this could be true if I stay committed to my goal. So what's my goal anyway? I guess it's not more than being dedicated to a two mile minimum run/jog every day, until I see the fruits of my labor. Just think, if I had started running instead of writing I'd be on day 488 already and would undoubtably have the physique of a runner, but who are we kidding, I have no regrets, life unravels as it is intended. My morning routine is just expanding, writing, running, dishes, laundry, feeding chickens, feeding my cat, it's a good thing I'm up before the crack of dawn! I imagine if I continue my routine each day, by spring I'll look as healthy and bright as my beautiful Christmas Cactus in bloom.