Day 495 Profound Craziness
I finally hit a day where I had to drag myself onto my treadmill for my morning run. Oh, I ran my two miles but did so begrudgingly all the way! I'll admit, once completed I felt better, happy it was over and that nothing the rest of the day would be difficult in comparison, pleased that turned out to be true. Fortunately, the day ended with a Christmas party at my beach club, yay! This was the annual yankee swap, always a great time filled with silliness and nonsense gift trades. It was also a chance for me to sit, enjoy a drink and a long overdue visit with my A list club friends. Our conversation somehow lead to the magnet board in my bathroom and how entertaining it is. It was really more of holy cow your bathroom has so many things, shelves filled with knickknacks and two boards filled with funny magnets. Apparently most folks don't decorate their bathrooms with fun things? I happen to enjoy a smile each day, so why not have some fun with bathroom decor? Most of my magnets are wildly inappropriate, R rated due to foul language but sprinkled in you'll find a few inspirational quotes for balance. Hidden among them is a wrinkled paper quote in a small frame that I read everyday, it's a quote I printed out when my dad died and kept in my hand throughout his funeral. That little piece of paper has been there for eight years now and the sentiment I read daily still holds true. OK, I won't make you zoom in, it says, "A great man is one who leaves others at a loss after he is gone" You'd never know from the faded print the importance of that little piece of paper. It brings me back to the day I clutched it in my hand, along with a smooth rock (that's in my bathroom too) as if it would allow me to hold onto my dad a little longer. He was a great man and I have certainly been at a loss without him. Most folks never pay any attention to my little quote on the otherwise crazy board but It's there for me and makes me smile most days, cry others. Although my bathroom may look like it's filled with random tchotchkes, there's usually a story behind each item, certainly a reason for it to be added to my home. I decorate without rules, tend to stick to what feeds my soul and roll with it. I have a small couch and rocking chair in my kitchen, breaking traditional kitchen decorating rules but why wouldn't I? I have too many pictures on my wall, according to someone else's rules and I fill my world with things that make me smile every day. Of course, I also have my treadmill set up in my family room right in front of the television for my daily run. Just like my little quote on paper, most days the treadmill makes me smile, some days cry. Both remind me how precious life is and how important it is to feed your body and soul, giving it the fuel needed to bring joy into your world, even if that means running when you don't want to! It also means remembering how loved I've been in this world and the impact one person can make. Life is short, make your mark!