Day 505 Christmas Magic & Chaos

 Christmas Day never disappoints. Mother Nature came through with spectacular weather, sunshine and temps in the 50's, giving us an opportunity for a trip to Beavertail and a walk on the beach. The Beavertail lighthouse is one of the oldest lighthouses in the country and as you walk towards it, taking in the scenic beauty of the ocean and skyline behind the historic structure, you can't help but realize it encapsulates the beauty of New England and all it's charm. Oh, how I love where I live. Walking along the rocky shoreline, jumping from one slab of giant granite to another, listening to the waves crash against the harsh stones we couldn't help but feel the magic of Christmas all around us. Yes, the morning had begun with presents, stockings filled to the brim and gifts galore, but as always, the best gifts are the ones you can't contain inside a box. Having Tim feeling well, my son home for the holiday and free time to do whatever we choose can't be topped. This past week Tim and I have had all of our kids visit, seen all five of our grandchildren and have enjoyed every single minute with each of them.  Another small miracle is the fact that I didn't open my gifts until Christmas morning, didn't even peek. I'm not known for having the ability to wait, typically opening any gift within seconds of seeing it. This year I promised my friend, who sends me gifts each year weeks before the holiday, that I wouldn't open them early. These little gifts sat under my tree, taunting me! Anticipation at its max, I ripped open each gift with delight, I won't be making any crazy promises to not peek next year.  My living room is still littered with discarded wrapping paper, bows and boxes and the site of the chaos makes me smile every time I walk through the room. My son gave me a magical picture frame that each of my kids can send photos to remotely.  I can't wait to see all the pictures I'll receive and love the connection it will create with them throughout the year. Although I often say how incredibly blessed I am, it's worth noting again, blessed with love and happiness in abundance. It's a beautiful life with the an ocean backdrop and sunshine showing off this spectacular world we live in. 


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