Day 508 Guide Book
My favorite movie of all time happens to also be a broadway show and in the spirit of Christmas magic happens to be right in my little state. I wanted tickets from the first time I saw it was coming but with everything going on in life was hesitant to buy them. Unsure of the timing of Tims next surgery, our children's visits I looked at show tickets but didn't buy any, knowing the timing wasn't right. That is until two nights ago when I checked one last time, there was a small window of free time that we might be able to sneak out and I was ready to jump on it. I'm not sure if someone cancelled, seats were held then released or the heavens were shining down on me but incredibly there were two tickets available in the front row! I quickly snatched them up, excited that the universe was working with me and I'd be sitting front and center for dazzling entertainment, spectacular sets and outstanding music. Happy to report the show matched my anticipated expectations in every way, although the woman next to me was bothersome. I may need to write a guide to theatre etiquette, lord knows there are folks that need guidance. Rule #1 just because you know the words doesn't mean you should sing along! People pay good money to hear the incredible voices of the actors and actresses not the dull tone of an old lady who probably shouldn't sing along to the radio. Rule #2 keep the wingspan of your applause within your seat radius. The woman next to me opened her arms for vigorous claps crossing my seat space and entering into Tims. Unless you're paying for three seats, keep your body parts confined to the one you've purchased. Rule #3 keep your hands in your lap. Although you may want to dance, the constant movement of your extended arms may bother everyone around you. I'm not saying you can't stand up and dance along at the end of a show, but a two hour workout to every song may want to be avoided. I won't give away my entire guide but I'm sure you get the idea. Tim sat next to a young man who remained in his purchased zone, clapping enthusiastically within it, kept his knowledge of song lyrics to himself and was overall the perfect theatre patron. The music was loud, to the point my ears were ringing during the drive home and I was able to lean towards Tim and focus on the performance for the most part, occasionally the waving arm in front of me or the fitness dance routine in the seat next to me distracted my attention but otherwise I was enthralled. I'll be working on my theatre guide and may print up a few copies to bring with me to my next show, you never know who might need to read one! I'm sure the singing, dancing, space hog of a woman has no idea the inspiration she inspired. I wonder if whoever gave up those two front seats knew who they'd be next to and bailed out? All that aside, the show was worth all the troubles I encountered, a story of eternal love and devotion. On the way home Tim asked why they've never done a Moulin Rouge II, since the main character would move on and could hook up with another girl.... did he miss the entire show??? The line, "I will love you, until the end of time" lost on him for sure. The theatre is always an adventure and apparently we all take home different versions of the same show home with us, along with the unexpected inspiration for my new guide book.