Day 511 Grateful


I like to indulge myself in the beauty of nature whenever possible. Although I slept in until almost six am, I wrote, then met Melissa for a walk on the seawall and beach before running my two miles. The weather was significantly colder than our last walk but the crisp cold air felt refreshing. We marveled at how fast time goes by, how fortunate we are to still be able to enjoy a long walk and friendship. When I returned home I begrudgingly ran my two miles, although the entire run my brain tried to come up with reasons I could skip a day. Tim and I lounged about the house all day, neither of us putting on real clothes, staying comfy in either our workout clothes or pjs. Although it was New Years Eve the thought of dressing up, going out and celebrating didn't come close to the lure of warmth and comfort our family room could provide, so we opted to stay in. Maybe we needed to recharge after a long year, goodness knows,  we filled 2023 to the fullest making it a memorable year to look back on. Highlights being, our fabulous vacation to Italy, France and Spain, fun nights with friends, endless walks on the beach, singing silly karaoke songs, meeting new friends, visiting with our grandchildren and having ten years of fun mushed into one. Of course we also had trying times, Tims big surgery topping the list, but isn't it inside the most difficult times bonds grows even stronger? It's easy to be happy with someone when you're dining out, partying with friends, dancing and carrying on, but when all that is put on hold and you find yourselves alone, in pain, relying on each other for support and comfort that you truly know how lucky you are. It's then that you smile at each other, with a sincere appreciation of unwavering love and devotion. The day to day nonsense becomes trivial when your concern turns to the health, although I wouldn't mind it if he unloaded the dishwasher now and then. When I left for my walk I yelled, I love you" and was surprised to hear "I love you more" hollered back. I stopped in my tracks, having never heard such a bold statement out of Tims mouth.  I imagine he's found a new level of appreciation for me, after all my gentle care, love and devotion to him during his recovery. Whatever it was, it was nice to hear, especially from someone who rarely throws down kind words. It may also have been self preservation on his part, greasing the wheel since he'll be having another surgery in January and looking to me again to practice my nursing skills, sweet talking his caregiver makes sense. Either way, 2023 ended on a high note with all the warmth and love a person could ask for and a cozy night home in pjs. Isn't it wonderful when you can stay home and enjoy each others company more than anything else in the world? The year ahead has a lot to measure up to and I'll enjoy watching it try to compete. No resolutions for me but eager excitement for all that's possible in the year ahead and gratitude as I look back on all the joy bestowed on me in 2023. 


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