Day 512 Wolves

 First day of a brand new year celebrating a friends birthday at the beach. I don't care how old we get, birthdays are always special and should be celebrated. By my age I've lost more friends than I would have imagined, so many gone far too soon, giving a greater appreciation for each year we're given. I've also grown an unwillingness to put up with phony people, the kind we all come in contact with although some either allow themselves to believe the BS being served or enjoy it? I can't be bothered and have lost the ability to sit and smile as someone dishes out story after story of nonsense and untruths. It's not up to me to call them out, but wow, am I surprised at otherwise intelligent folks that seem to lap up every word. I'll stick to real people, the ones that admit insecurities and own their shortfalls while accepting mine. Our imperfections are what makes us genuine, real and relatable. Friendships grow stronger as we work together to help one another, for every shy friend there's an outgoing friend to walk with them and so on. I strive to always pick my friends up when needed, feed into what they need and nurture them and only allow those folks that nurture my soul into my inner circle. I'm not sure why I'd subject myself to someone that sets out to make everyone around them feel inferior,  little do they know it only makes them look pitiful. It's the wolf in sheep's clothing, fake and dangerous, worthy of steering clear of. I sat with my friends, surrounded by love and friendship, celebrating a birthday and another wonderful year ahead and holding the wolf at bay. The wolves will always be lurking so its up to us to recognize them and not be fooled. I'm many things, but never been called a fool. Circling the wagons when needed has always been an effective offense, keep the circle tight. Cheers to a new year, wonderful friends and keeping the wolves out in the cold where they belong. 


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