Day 526 Saugatucket
The beautiful Saugatucket river on a cold winter day. I love the various views of the river as I walk along the bike path, over the footbridge and along the paved path. The families of ducks nestling close to the shore are one of my favorite sites. They travel freely up and down the river and are the same ducks that come visit me, coming right up into my backyard. If the sunshine is bright enough and you have a keen eye, you'll see turtles sunbathing on branches, although they are quick to jump into the safety of the river if they hear any noise. When I bought my house, way back in the 80's the thought of living on the Saugatucket wasn't at all thought to be a bonus. I had grown up on Woden's Pond, a big beautiful body of water, actually a Lake but referred to as a pond, so the little river didn't impress. As children, we would fish, ice skate and muck around the pond on the daily, my brothers even cross country skied across it! My grandmother lived on the other side of the pond, so we enjoyed the contrasting shoreline from her side when visiting. Maybe I was spoiled, scoffing off my little river, having grown accustomed to the beauty and benefits of a large body of water. Maybe this is why I still have dreams of living in a lakefront or pond front home? Over the years my river has gotten cleaner with each years passing, wildlife has returned in abundance and the community has actively worked to maintain the cleanliness of the water. I'm sure I'd miss my river if I moved, miss my ducks, the beautiful osprey that fly over searching for fish and the occasional kayaker paddling by. Isn't human nature funny, contentment can sometimes be the most difficult attribute to achieve. My poor little river tries so hard to give me everything I want, yet I desire more....shame on me. We are all works in progress so I won't be too hard on myself. What I will do is spend more time enjoying my river, seeing all its beauty and appreciating it for what it is without wishing for it to be more. A good life lesson in all areas I suppose.