Day 534 Powerful


Guessing by now it's clear how much I love rocks, crystals and gemstones in their purest form. These three little gems are a perfect trio to have close by at all times. Rose Quarts for light and love, Amethyst for inner peace and Aquamarine for calm and balance... I'll take whatever help I can get in achieving all of the above! I have an absurdly large piece of Rose Quartz on my nightstand, could be why Tim and I still get along so well. I'm not sure if they work so well for me because I truly believe in their powers, as my smarty pants son thinks or if there's really something to it. I suppose the power of our beliefs manifests in our lives where and when we need it. Some folks turn to religion, trusting in a higher power to pray to for blessings or blaming for life's negative happenings. Others believe in destiny, convinced that no matter what choice they make the final result is predetermined. I am a true believer in allowing everyone to credulously trust whatever feeds their souls and nourishes their hearts. I find comfort in crystals, find comfort in their powers, after all, they have been kissed by Mother Nature and placed here for a purpose. Every Ancient civilization has revered a higher power, thankfully we live in a time that human sacrifices aren't in vogue..yikes! Having been raised Catholic I grew up to question a great deal of the scripture, so much guilt and damnation. I find my crystals to be purely love and positive messages, pick the one you need on any given day and feel its power emanate. Spiritualism comes in many forms, just watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset reminds us how small we are in this big beautiful world of ours. Not sure yet what rock I'll carry today, but absolutely sure it will give me all the strength I need to accomplish anything!! 


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