Day 543 Angels Around Me.


My grandfather sure was a cool cat. I love this photo of him standing in his bowling alley smoking a cigar, I can see the twinkle in his eyes of mischief, not unlike my own. I adored this man, loved to sit on his lap and rub his soft bald head, placing my nose right up against his, touching our foreheads and laughing at his stories, songs and jokes. He was kind, funny and as a skilled contractor, always eager to help my parents with household projects. Having been born and raised in SK he devoted his life to our community, serving as director of the Chamber of commerce, the building code commission, advisory building committee for the building of our HS, shore area planning committee, trustee of the carpenter union and of course served on the town council.... no grass growing under him for sure! When I was elected onto our town council my dad beamed with pride and knew had my Grandfather been alive to see it he would have been over the moon with excitement as well. When I was ten years old my beloved grandfather died of a heart attack during the night, leaving an irreplaceable hole in my life and the lives of many others. Many years later, my dad also died suddenly of heart failure, a genetic trend I hope to avoid.  I carry both of these amazing men with me each and every day, they are without a doubt the reason I'm attracted to bald men, and can be credited with providing me my strong connection to SK, community and a host of other traits I inherited from them, strength, charm, big personality, story telling and maybe a smidge of trouble seeking.  I sure hope I skipped heart disease in the genetic lottery, having taken them both in their 70's, yikes.  I hit day sixty of my running workout streak, and think of my grandpa and dad each morning as I get after it! I'm sure they are both smiling down on me, laughing at me trying to outwit destiny but equally impressed with my determination. I have always felt close with my grandpa, even after his death in '75. He and I were kindred spirits, both eager to embrace every opportunity this world has to offer, both understanding the importance of community, service to it our town and always working to better the world around us. Our souls remain connected, even all these years later. I smile when I remember how soft his bald head was and how his eyes sparkled when he looked at me and can still feel the warmth of his love.  He has encouraged me throughout my life, through my ideas of what he would say or think, the advice and encouragement he provides and with that I've felt invincible. I may falter but can never fail, I have angels in my midst and they continue to watch over me as someday I'll watch over my children and grandchildren. Imagine being thought of daily almost fifty years after you're gone? If we only knew the impact we make on the lives around us we'd all walk with a bit more pep in our step, confidence and kindness. I'll be running again, day sixty one coming at me, my dad and grandpa laughing but encouraging every step I take. 


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