Day 549 Biking dreams
I may not have the fanciest fitness equipment but its easily accessible and on the ready whenever I am. I admit I don't ride my stationary bike as often as I should, each time I do I'm reminded of that! On the rare occasions that Tim and I settle in for a movie I prefer to walk on my treadmill or ride rather than vegetate on the couch for hours, feeling my body atrophy as the clock ticks. The last show we watched I rode for an hour and holy cow, could I feel it the next few days. My aching muscles reminding me to cycle more often in preparation for spring and summer biking. Tim always says he'll ride with me, and after our purchase of an electric bike for him last week there might be a chance he finally does. He's been wanting an e-bike for a year now, I've been arguing against it, he has a manual bike that has been collecting dust for years now, why not start with that?! Here I think he's home resting and recovering while I work and all the while he's online shopping! He found a deal at Job Lot for his bike, a crazy deal that gives a gift card for the exact cost of the bike, essentially making it free. Even I couldn't argue with that, especially when I would be given the gift card... next Christmas all gifts will be purchased at Job Lot. This spring, I will be riding my manual bike along side my super charged husband on his E-bike, I better get on my stationary bike and start building biking stamina. I picture myself sweating, peddling madly up a hill while he turns to smile at me, shifting into electric mode and being carried up the incline. In the fourteen years Tim and I have been together we've gone on one bike ride together, my expectations aren't high for our romantic rides together but crazier things have happened. Apparently his new bike will change all that, instead of lounging in the sun, listening to music, he'll want to get out there, be one with nature and ride! I would love to ride outdoors but only with someone to join me, I've watched too many murder shows to be on the bike path riding solo, through wooded areas, a clear and easy target for any serial killers, yikes! Once spring hits I'll drag my old bike out of the shed, put air in the flat tires, dust off my helmet, ready to ride alongside my fancy husband with his new fangled bike. He'll argue he's too cool for a helmet but I'll win that argument and force him to protect his noggin, oh the fun we'll have! Thankfully, I have a few months to prepare for spring, my old stationary bike providing me with a workout anytime I see fit, it may not be pretty but it sure gets the job done!
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