Day 552 Races, Games and Monster Trucks
My morning walk took a detour to the playground for climbing, swinging and running races. Looking at a large field of grass, how could we not have races? Fortunately, I had gotten up early to write, run on my treadmill, bake a coffee cake and get pancakes started, it's important to get a Headstart on the kids. The boys know they can always find me downstairs in the morning, they scurry down in their PJ's to claim the toys they left the night before and tell me all kinds of stories. We began waging bets on who would be the last one to wake up, tough odds with Tim and Bridie equally capable of being very late to rise. Tim won, with a little help from the boys and the day shifted into full speed. My brother and sister in law arrived mid day and both Tim and I were thrilled for the company! Since Tim's last surgery we haven't had anyone over and were beginning to feel a bit of social atrophy. Bridie left the boys with us as and went out with friends, so the four of us grown ups had nonstop entertainment all afternoon. My sister in law, Alida had brought cupcakes with plastic rings on top and pizza chips for the kids. Although, I was happy to nibble on a pizza chip or two myself! We all discussed in depth, the mystery of the RI pizza slice and chip, apparently we're the only place in the world that loves a slice of bread with sauce and call it pizza, go figure! I had made coffee milk for Mack earlier in the day and explained how he'll only find it here in RI, for such a small state we sure do have a unique palate. Once our in-laws left, Tim and I began to settle the kids in for the nigh, a long process at best. They snuggled with me in the big bed, watching a show about Monster Trucks before I brought them into their room and nestled them in for the night. As soon as I left they asked Grandpa if they could watch TV on their tablet, who of course said yes. I came back to play bad cop and denied their request, with Tim safety hiding behind the door so the kids wouldn't identify him with the denial of their wish. Within minutes they were asleep, exhausted from a busy day, warm and cozy, snuggled in their comfy bed. We're hoping for another day of sunshine, a trip back to the playground and another afternoon filled with toys and games, we may even find another field for a race or two! How quiet the house will be once the kids go home...and what's so great about peace and quiet anyway?
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