Day 553 Seeing Red
Seeing red throughout the day, celebrating Valentine's Day with my beach club family. After waking up with the boys, cooking breakfast and refereeing toys, Bridie picked them up and they were on their way home in a flash. The house was instantly quiet without the tiny feet running back and fourth and screams for toys. Tim settled in to watch TV and relax as I fancied up to attend brunch at the club. The beach club counter was filled with delicious dishes as far as the eye could see, each of which I was happy to taste. The dessert table was equally impressive but by then I was so full I only nibbled on a few treats. It was wonderful to sit with my friends and share an afternoon together. Everyone missed Tim but he'll be sure to attend the next event, especially since Donna and I are hosting it! We volunteered to throw a St. Patricks Day party and are already planning decorations, food, music, a game or two and of course, festive outfits. I'm not Irish, but will do pull out all the stops for my Irish husband, wear green, learn a few Irish tunes and enjoy corned beef and cabbage with the best of them. I suppose the big news of the day was the Super Bowl, for those that are into football that is. I don't watch the foolish game at all, never have and I'm sure I annoyed Tim when I declared that Kansas City would win, too much money to be made for them not to, especially with a pop star in the mix. I see all the fanfare as a money machine, one that is rigged in order for the league to make the maximum money possible. Tim argued against my theory, not believing an entire league would cheat, a belief I find endearing but naive. He came up to bed and woke me up shaking out his pillow with anger, mad at the game's outcome, frustrated at what he viewed an incredible loss from the team he thought would win. He also game me the news that I had won the final pot from the football square I played. I'm not sure how it all works, how much I won, but I'm happy to have picked the winning square out of a hundred options...go figure! I was seeing red throughout the day, clothing, hearts, flowers and thought it was funny that even the winning football team was red, which in turn made Tim see red. Soon enough the color will shift to green, oh the fun we'll have with that!
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