Day 555 Essential
Snow, snow and more snow on our Valentine's Eve. A perfect winter setting for a romantic day inside, for those that had the day off. My day was business as usual, although my slow drive to work behind a snowplow, navigating through mounds of white powder and cautiously driving head on into heavier snow squalls, made my commute interesting. The roads were eerily quiet, all intelligent people safe at home, only those of us deemed essential making our way as if invisible, who knew I was indespensable? I watched the storm through my windows throughout the day, piling up and at times being carried sideways by the heavy winds. Fortunately, right about the time I began to pack up for home the skies cleared and the storm took a pause, clearing the way for my ride home. With all the storm prep and commotion, I had almost forgot it was Valentine's Eve, almost time to put away all my pretty pink and red decor in exchange for green, pots of gold and love to all that is Irish. As much as I love Valentine's Day I'm not one that wants (or expects) grand tokens of love. I prefer to be shown love throughout the year, in actions rather than material objects. I suppose I'm not the most romantic, like to choose my own jewelry, buy myself flowers and chocolate but that's not love anyway, that's just stuff. My idea of love is a warm smile when someone sees me, a kind touch when I'm sad, a loving hug that melts the world around me and of course the sparkle in someone's eyes when they watch me tell a story. Fortunately, my life is filled with love, husband, children, grandchildren, friends, one might say I have an abundance of it! If Valentine's Day is a reminder to tell those folks in your life that bring you joy how much you adore them, fantastic, never a bad day to tell someone how much you care. As for the Chocolate, I'll be shopping after the holiday, buying the biggest heart shaped box of chocolates I can find, at a discounted price....yeah, I'm that girl. I might even share it with Tim.....maybe.
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