Day 558 Darn it!


Keep the snow boots out, another storm is heading our way with Pep standing watch. I love a weekend snowstorm, one that allows me to stay in my robe, relax and enjoy a lazy day..... ok, I struggle with lazy but at least I have the day to do whatever I want. Life doesn't always work out the way we want,  my grandson was delivered one of those harsh, crappy lessons. He's and his brother are both avid hockey players, live for ice time and practice in their driveway daily. Each year they look forward to a big tournament in NY, a week of hockey fun with their family and friends. A broken foot couldn't have come at more inconvenient time, ruining this year's trip for him. At thirteen, the devastation is magnified, it's tough to see into the future or any life perspective when you're a teenager. I wish I could wrap him up and make it all better, but even grammy can't fix a broken foot, some things just take time. This harsh life lesson reminded me of when my kids were young, my son and daughter had been practicing karate for years and were dedicated to becoming blackbelts. As they trained through the ranks they working their way through the belt system they had only brown to master before they could test for their black. They trained together every day, spent months and months practicing katas and learning all the skills needed to pass their brown belt test. A week before they were to test, my son came down with the chicken pox, horrible timing and painful disease. He laid on the couch, every inch of his body covered with itchy spots as my daughter went off to test for her brown belt, later coming home successful. She was so proud of her accomplishment as was the entire family, including my spot covered son. He had to wait until the next testing cycle, six months later although in kid terms it felt like ten years. I'm sure my son remembers it well, it was one of those moments you feel the world kicks you in the teeth. Although it's a broken foot, I'm sure it feels as if the universe intentionally kicked him down. Grammy knows he's stronger than even he realizes and that he'll get back up get through this and somehow it will make him a more empathetic human. I can see his future and I see him playing hockey throughout his life, this mishap now being better than just before a big high school, college or pro game (yes, he'll be good enough to play pro hockey). He may need to chat with his uncle, who understands more than anyone what he's feeling. Looks like this weekend he'll have to snuggle up like Pep, find a nice warm spot and give himself time to heal..darn life lessons have the worst timing! 


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