Day 564 Signs of Spring


One of the first and among my favorite signs of spring are the baby chicks at Tractor Supply. I was a bit surprised to see them so early in the season but could hear their little chirps as soon as I walked into the store. Only two days old, these baby chicks are so tiny you'd be able to hold several in the palm of your hand. The heat lamp is needed to keep them warm while they scurry around exploring their new world. The store has several varieties of chicks but I was zoned right into the Bantams and Jersey Giants. I didn't buy any, too soon for me but I'm hoping to get a few new breeds for my flock this spring. I am trying to wait until they sell Easter Eggers, they lay blue eggs and are great egg producers. With one breed in mind, I'm still on the lookout for someone to split a dozen with me, RI state law has a minimum purchase of twelve chicks and I only want six.  The dozen purchase allows us to mix and match breeds, I really want my half dozen made up of two or three different breeds. Hoping I can hold off until early April before bringing my new girls home, we'll see! When I see my Easter Eggers on display I may have to make a quick purchase! Easter Eggers will be a great new addition to my flock, the variety of a mixed flock is not only beautiful but each breed brings unique personality to keep things interesting. Some folks think puppies are cute and gush over them, I've never felt that for dogs, but imagine the feeling is similar to when I see the beautiful little feathered babies or kittens. I was chatting with my friend, telling her all about the chicks, rattling off the various breeds if she understood. She's a dog mom and would know dog breeds if someone told her, but the breeds of chickens meant nothing, as if they are all the same! One thing we both agree on, signs of spring are popping up all around us, the tiny chirping chicks are saying that loud and clear.


  1. I may have to go to Tractor Supply with you just to see the baby chicks! Db


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