Day 568 Mahjong

 The popularity of Mahjong has taken me by surprise. I knew seniors played it but never realized how crazy for it younger folks are. When I wrote about learning the game I never expected to get texts from people that were excited I was playing! Like a Mahjong cult they all seek more members, although as I mentioned yesterday, it will be a long time before I can say I know how to play. I was even more surprised that these folks actually read my blog, people on instagram usually just like a photo, some don't even realize  there are words behind all of it! I really never know who, if anyone, is reading along.... I should probably apologize to these few for weeks of me not having much to say, hang in there, spring is around the corner and will bring much more excitement. Now that I'm part of a Mahjong cult, dedicating every Sunday afternoon to learning this crazy game, my Monday morning posts will be filled with game day antics. Tim didn't join me at the club but laughed when I described the scene to him. Nine women, sitting around a table, no drinks or snacks just focused on the array of tiles, each of the four players having an onlooker with one woman overseeing us all. At another table, far across the clubhouse, sat all the men, playing cards and watching TV loudly as they played. Not sure if the men already know how to play our game or if the two genders will remain separate on Sundays but that was how it played out. I suggested Tim join us and shake things up, sitting himself down at the ladies table and breaking the gender barrier.  One of these day's I might bring my son in as a ringer, since he already knows how to play...who knew! When I spoke with him and told him what I was learning, he said it is super popular with folks working at the hospital. There's an online version that I've been advised to try, by cult members of course. For now, once a week is enough, after all, I have years before retirement and I'm just honing my skills to beat all my future old lady friends at the senior center. I need to learn all the great retirement games, golf, Mahjong, Canasta, shuffleboard and pickleball. I've been playing Chess and Cribbage and Bocce my whole life, so all set there. Old people sure do have fun!! I'm a month away from turning 59 so the clock is ticking and pressure is on to master all the senior center games so I can walk in and join having all the skills to dominate the place. Funny how our dreams start to shift as we age. I foresee new Mahjong friends in my future, as players see I'm becoming one of them and accept me into the fold. Now I just need to focus and learn this crazy friends await! 


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