Day 573 Tiny Miracles


Tiny little signs of spring are sprouting up all around, new life, growth and small miracles from Mother Earth. It's amazing that with such cold, harsh winters these tiny flowers can force their way through the leaves, sticks and winter ground coverage and bloom, showing off their strength to the world and daring the winter to try and stop them. Even their name, Early Snowdrops shows off that they will be blooming when we still expect to see snow on the ground, not flowers. The first few days of March I search for any signs of spring and revel in any discoveries. The weather is cold and rainy but spring is breaking through just like the tiny flowers, letting me know that within a couple more months I'll be basking in the sunshine as if I've never felt cold. I spent my day inside doing a host of household life chores, small things that go unnoticed but need to be done. I had a dish of silver jewelry I've been meaning to polish for ages, not a task I enjoy. I've put the jewelry aside for the past year, unwilling to devote the time needed to make it wearable. I have polishing clothes and paste but the task is still daunting....then as if a miracle I found a solution that allows me to simply drop each item in for ten seconds and it comes out as shiny as if it were brand new!! Not sure where this miracle liquid has been my whole life, but I polished every piece of silver I could find and now have an entirely new variety of jewelry to wear. I also spent some quality time gathering Irish Blessings for St. Paddy's Day. I put a blessing note into each gift box and for whatever crazy reason I wouldn't allow any two to be alike. After re-opening, adding a little paper blessing into each box and closing them all back up I was tickled pink with my work. I doubt anyone will realize they have a unique blessing but I figure there are no two people alike so the blessings should be as different as our guests.... hopefully we won't get more than fifty two people or I'll need to go back and research a few more! The Irish sure do have fun sayings, one of my favorite, "Here's to the health of the enemies of your enemies". As I worked alone reading each note, I laughed and smiled as in a room full of friends. I hope everyone enjoys their little prizes half as much as I've enjoyed putting them together. It's the little things in life that add up to big happiness, tiny flowers, miracle silver polish, thoughtful gifts for friends. All that proceeded by an afternoon with my grandsons.... hands down life's most impressive miracles. 


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