Day 577 Perfect in Every Way


Another day of miracles, Tim, discovered the joy of whisking his way to a sweet snack. During this new found activity of making his own food, he learned I've been flip flopping back and forth from cows milk to almond milk...why not? He stirred more up when he told me about one of his coworkers showing a photo of another worker to his female friends, who then rated him numerically saying he was a 2. I about flew off the roof when I heard this....warning, here comes the rant. First of all, this new generation of girls demands society accept their bodies regardless of shape, weight or fitness level (usually lack of). Wanting equal status, we're in such a state of female power, rejecting the barbie stereotype and slim perfect images we've struggled to compete with for so long. Yet, it's these same women who go onto online dating sites, set their criteria to exclude any man under 6 ft tall, narrowing their search to a whopping 14% of all men. They also want a man who makes over six figures and will ask what he makes within the first two conversations. Women don't think twice about asking a man how tall he is yet if he were to ask her how much she weighed she would be insulted. Don't get me started on the crazy women that don't like bald men, but they are out there!! As the mother of two amazing men (one with hair and one without) and two equally amazing women, the double standards worry me. Our girls have been told they don't need to look like Barbie, the unrealistic ideal yet no one mentions He-man, GI Joe or the other equally out of proportion male images...I know I'm dating myself with the He-Man reference. The women that unfairly rated Tim's co-worker no doubt have standards so skewed that they won't even see the error in their ways until their clock is ticking so loudly they become desperate... and they try to get a regular guy who might be only 5'10", if they are lucky. After years of being judged mr. regular may want a younger model and Ms. Judgey will be horrified that a man asks her age, unfair? FairPlay in my book since she looked at a photo of a regular guy, nice smile, average build and threw out a 2...first of all, there's not a single one of us on earth that should numerically rate another human being based on looks or anything else! I'm appalled that this new generation of so-called "breaking the body image barriers women" would stoop so low as to interject this same nonsense onto our men. I often think equal opposite, if you can't do or say something equal to the opposite gender, or whoever then maybe it shouldn't be said or done. If a women can question a man about his height, hair or any other physical attribute, then buckle up for the weight question, or whatever his physical criteria is...fair is fair. I Hope the woman that rated this young handsome man so harshly finds herself a perfect male specimen, but be careful, said perfect man may not make a good husband, father, lifetime friend., may have no sense of humor, compassion or loyalty...but what the heck, he's physically what they asked for. That old saying strikes careful what you wish for. Looks like Tim stirred more up than pudding...he's bald, under 6' and happens to be perfect in every way...imagine the amazing men these shallow women are missing out on? 


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