Day 587 Irish Blessings
Where to start? Some days unravel slowly and others shoot you right out of a cannon. Up, writing, exercising, cleaning coops and chick pens then off to take my mother car shopping. Purchasing a new car might sound exiting but it's fairly stressful when you figure you'll be driving your selection for the rest of your life, especially considering my mom is 84! Cars, like people these days have gotten bigger and bigger and at 5'2" tall, a monumental obstacle was her ability to see over the dashboard. Fortunately, we found the perfect car and had a car salesman experience straight out of a movie. The 6' 4" salesman wore a light pink suite and had a sales pitch smooth as silk. As we jumped into the car to test drive it, he set the radio to Frank Sinatra, totally reading my moms vibe. I may have to shop for a car myself, just to see what music he plays and vehicle he thinks I should drive. I hustled home from car buying to walk with my son, the best thing about him having a dog is the walks it entices him to take with me. After our stroll I again had to hustle, rushing to my beach club to set up for the big party! I met friends there and the four of us set to work transforming the club into a festive Irish party room, that will no doubt dazzle everyone! We made quick work of the club and will add any finishing touches before everyone arrives, not sure what's more fun, the party itself or the anticipation of it!? I rushed home to meet company, eager to see my little chicks. My brother and sister in law were excited to bring my Great Nephew, who happens to love chickens. Charlie was so cute with them, held the baby chicks in his tiny hands and quietly watched them, tentative to move a muscle. We discussed names for the new babies and settled on naming one of the tiny Sapphire Gems after his mom, McKayla. I later named the other little gem Anelle, another family name that will make everyone chuckle. Charlie's grin when we named the chick after his mom still makes me smile, I'm sure he was thrilled to tell her she has a namesake. If you think all that wasn't enough for a day, hold on to your hat. While naming our chicks, my mom called, from the emergency room! She had been brought in by her neighbor for chest pain and heart beat racing, not good signs. Turns out she's ok, although she did have another episode while sitting in the ER. She'll follow up with her doctor this week but the ER doc didn't think she was in any danger. My guess is she may have had a slight panic attack after spending all that cash on a new car, enough to make anyone have chest pains! Even though we figured she was fine, I brought her home with me to spend the night, just in case she had any trouble during the evening or overnight hours. She sat in my kitchen and watched me scurry around making dozens of cupcakes for the party, cook dinner, wash dishes, and fold laundry, no rest for the weary! I put her to work as I frosted the cupcakes, she was in charge of putting the right amount of green shamrock sprinkles on each cupcake then gold glitter on others. By the time my legs climbed into bed I could almost hear them yelling at me, requesting a bit more down time. On St. Patrick's Day, I'll take whatever Irish Blessings I can get for a healthy, peaceful year...or at least a week or two! My the luck of the Irish be with you.