Day 590 Pegging another year

 Yesterday I rambled on about how I'd like to be remembered, something I think about often. My dad and grandfather left behind amazing legacies and great reputations. They were admired and adored by everyone they met, big shoes to fill! I won't go so far as to say I have secured a great legacy but I believe I've made my mark on the world, if for no other reason than the amazing children I've raised. I have always strived to live a life that would leave behind a positive impact on people, especially the most cherished, our children. Before I sound like I'm mother Theresa, I'm also quite vain and believe in capturing my best, beautiful self in photos so that one day, many, many years from now, my great grandchildren will admire my beauty and maybe even hang a photo of me on their wall. Sound silly? I don't really care. The photo I posted today was taken five years ago, not bad for 54 years old! I laugh when I see how pretty my nails look, because if you know me, you also know I couldn't have painted them myself! I'm sure the photographer airbrushed my wrinkles out and I can't say I mind. A good picture captures attitude as well as external beauty and I believe this photo comes through with my personality right down to my tiny, wise guy,  smirk. I may have to have another photo shoot, capture my look at 59 next month! I love aging, pegging another year in my cribbage board of life. I look forward to having my photos done at 70 and 80 and maybe even 90! They won't be able to airbrush all my wrinkles out at that point but I'll look like a spunky old lady, fabulously beautiful and I promise, my smirk will be the same! Heck, if I live that long I may even master the art of painting my own nails!? I chuckle when folks say I'm photogenic, I'm not more or less than anyone else, just happen to be good at selecting and showcasing good pics, trust me, there are bad ones! The glory of writing our own story is telling whatever tales we choose and I choose my tales as carefully as I choose my photos. Hopefully my great grandchildren will be entertained by an old lady that lived long long ago...maybe even inspired to leave their own legacy! 


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