Day 605 Up for a walk?


Where to begin? Day three of my walking challenge and for the moment (possibly fleeting moment) I'm on the top of the leaderboard. There are 759 people engaged in the challenge and many of them are very strong competitors. My legs and butt are killing me but my inner playground bully won't give up! Notice the timestamp on my screenshot, 4:39am, that's the time I sit down to write then begin my run. I love to get a jumpstart on each day, fortunately, I'm a natural early bird it works out. I'm on my treadmill by 5am and have hours to run or walk before leaving my house for the day. People are funny when it comes to competitions, they see someone busting their ass and if it's more than they can do they immediately figure they must be cheating.... I wish they could jump inside my body to feel the painful truth and soreness. When I took my son the his hematologist a week ago, she looked at his muscular physique and asked him if he was taking steroids! He isn't, but smiled and thanked her for asking, embracing the question as a compliment. I suppose those of us on the top of the walking challenge leaderboard should feel the same way. I could almost guarantee that there's not one person at the bottom of the chart who's awake by 4am to run, snuggled and soundly sleeping in their beds is their reward. We all have the same amount of time in each day and opportunities to get after or we can sleep in, trust me, my warm, cozy bed sometimes is hard to crawl out of. There's a touch (maybe more than a touch) of crazy within each obsessive competitor, you almost need to be a bit crazy to want to win simply for the glory of it. Yes, I'm a bit crazy, but hey, at least my obsessions are healthy. With my birthday in a few days I may also have a thing or two to prove to the world..this old gal is still a contender. That said, anyone that would like to join me this weekend for a brisk ten mile walk is welcome to join me, bright and early. 


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