Day 609 Too Much!
A relaxing Sunday, recovering from all my birthday festivities. I met friends at my beach club to continue learning the intricate game of Mahjong. We're actually starting to understand parts of it, although smart enough to know we have a long way to go before we'll be proficient players. I must have brought some birthday luck with me, since I won our first two games! All games are much more fun when we win, but it was nice to see both Carol and Donna each enjoy a winning victory's as well. We decided we need to practice more often, start our own mini Mahjong game night, so we learned how to play with only three players in case we don't have a fourth. I'm sure we could find a fourth who knows how to play, but finding the right person that fits with our mojo is more important. It was beautiful by the shore, cold but so clear Block Island looked as if it were within swimming distance. The beach is starting to shape up for the summer season, I took a photo of the rocks, since I think they are beautiful, but If you're looking for smooth sand and a clear path to the ocean it's looking good just to the right of my photo. I love the contrast of sand, rocks and clouds over the vast ocean, not sure there's a better sight, ok, maybe a bit more sunshine. Being able to walk the beach on the daily if I choose is a gift I'll never take for granted no matter what season or weather. My Birthday weekend couldn't have been nicer even if they were exhausting and the days ahead are filled with continuing birthday celebration plans. Fortunately, I have a couple days in between festivities to rest up, although continuing to get incredible amounts of steps in each day. The walking challenge participants don't care that I need to rest and will pounce on any inactivity to surge ahead of me, so my relaxing Sunday isn't exactly relaxing! It may have been a day without birthday celebrations but that darn Heather left my delicious birthday cake for me to finish and I indulged in a piece (or two). I can't believe I'm going to say it but, I really need a day or two without cake. I suppose a bit of indulgence is good for the soul and too much may be even better!
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