Day 610 Eclipse
Solar glasses were the hottest item in the country and those that hadn't purchased them were going crazy trying to find some. I bought a five pack weeks ago that came with a camera lens so I could take super cook pics of the eclipse, as if that could happen! I"m not sure who gets all those great photos of the event but it certainly will never be me. Once you put the glasses on you're in pitch dark so trying to navigate a camera with a lens over it and somehow get it pointed in the right direction was all way above my skill level. I was inside working but went out to view the eclipse every few minutes. I wish I could say I thought it was amazingly cool but overall I found it underwhelming, maybe I needed a solar eclipse party to get me in the right mood? I think I had more fun watching people scramble to try and find viewing glasses than I did watching the actual eclipse. The news has been talking about it for weeks, giving us the exact date and time of the event, so why on earth were people left empty-handed? I have the brain of a doomsday prepper and pride myself being well prepped for any sudden crisis or event, so clearly when there's one coming my way that I have ample time to prep for, I do. How does the brain work that hears the news, knows somethings coming and sit's back and relaxes with no action, until the day of?? I wonder how these folks fair during hurricanes? When covid hit the country found itself in the midst of a toilet paper shortage, crazy but true. I had enough toilet paper to get me through the year, but ended up supplying my daughter, mother, friends and co-workers alike! Next crisis I'm keeping my stash to myself (even I know this isn't true as I write it). I had bought extra glasses and was able to give a pair to friends, a pair to a co-worker and of course supply Tim with a pair since he's one of those folks that don't even give it a thought, the Mr. Magoo's of the world that everything works out for. I had a tinge of guilt that I had the glasses and wasn't as enthralled with the eclipse as maybe I should have been, maybe my glasses would have been put to better use on someone else? Whatever the case, the next total eclipse won't be for a quite a few years from now so everyone has time to buy the glasses now. I may put mine inside my hurricane prep box so I keep track of them for the next time and buy a few extra's for all my last minute scrambling friends.
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