Day 617 Spring Sunshine
The new chicks are embracing their new world and loving it. Getting a photo of all seven of them together is more challenging than ever but at least I snapped this one, showing off five of my beauties. The White Leghorns are wild, skittish and adventurous while the Golden Comets are so friendly they are eager to jump onto your lap, or up onto your shoulder. With Bridie and the boys still here, there's lots of chicken watching going on. The boys ran around the yard, picking grass and bringing it to the chickens, a game that went on for quite some time and produced lots of laughter. Tim, Bridie and I sat outside, soaking in the last bit of remaining sunshine, entertained by the kids antics with the chickens and Pep. The cat is finally warming up to the boys enough to sit next to them, much to their delight. There's no need for television with a live show provided by kids and animals and with the weather finally cooperating its important to get out when we can! The temps hit 70 degrees, windows flew open, fresh air and sunshine filled the house and I could almost believe it was here to stay, almost. Looking at my calendar, events are penciled in throughout the next few months, just the way I like it. I was looking to find a day to visit Gillette Castle in Connecticut, tours begin May 25th and searching for a free Saturday had me rolling into dates in July! I may need to take a weekday off for an adventure. I toured the castle several years ago, but would love for Tim to see it so I'm working on getting a free day. I plan on taking several vacation days this summer, just to sit on the beach and play hooky. Sunshine seems to make everything in the world better and the warm air cheers the soul, maybe they should be mental health days? Putting our needs first wasn't always in vogue but has started to become more accepted, thank goodness. Watching chickens seems to be my favorite way of decompressing from the worlds pressures, mindless, soothing entertainment. Tim and I are thankful each night to arrive home to a peaceful house, comforts of home, our pets and of course each other. Color us blessed.
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