Day 619 Memory Lane
Throwing back to the 70's with a backyard wedding photo. My favorite uncle and godfather, Neil on the far left with his beautiful bride Jeanie. This was a second marriage for both of them, hence the two kids standing in front of them. They had been neighbors and friends for years, actually Neil and his first wife were neighbors with Jeanie and her first husband. The two couples were best of friends for years before each set divorced and married the other, yes, Neil married Jeanie and Jeanie's ex husband married Neil's ex-wife, crazy but true. Jeanie had three kids with her first husband and Neil two with his first wife, so no matter what house the kids were at, they had a parent, often the five kids staying at the same house. Even as a child I loved a party and the fanfare of a wedding was right up my alley. Of course in the 70's the average person had a reasonable wedding, small, fun, nothing that would break the bank. If you haven't figured out where I am in the picture shame on you, of course I'm front and center, some things don't change. You might have picked my cousin Carrie on the far right, wearing a beautiful dress, nope, I was far too big of a tom boy to limit my play with dresses back in the day. I have no idea where everyone else was during this photo, my siblings are nowhere to be found and the broods of cousins must have been off playing somewhere? My mom is stylish in a beautiful sundress to my right and my grandmere is to my left equally fancy. I'm not sure when weddings became such over the top events, but I'm glad I never got caught on that train. I often wonder what this generation would consider essential if they couldn't share anything on social media? What you don't see in my photo is the heat of the day, scorching hot day in Maine! So hot that my moms dress fabric started to bleed, I'm not sure how my cousin LeeAnn kept those white tights on? Even without all my cousins or siblings making the photo, it's one of my favorite, wait, oh dear, maybe that's one of the reasons I love it so much?? I was usually overshadowed by a swarm of cousins, my sister, who everyone thought was so much prettier than me and my brothers who were quick to steal the spotlight. I'm no shrink but I'd say I have solved the mystery of my desire to be noticed, being the youngest of a brood will do that to you! There's far too many stories embedded in this one photo, too many to share but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention my beautiful Aunt Pat, on the far far right, She passed away in her early 30's due to a brain aneurysm so remains young, beautiful and sweet in my mind for eternity. A quick update, both Neil and Jeanie and their ex's are all still happily married, I guess the trade worked well for them all. You know it's a great photo when you can still feel the heat of the day and the joy that was in abundance. No need for a big fancy wedding to have fond memories for a lifetime.