Day 620 Bedroom Chair


I spy with my little eye, a bedroom chair perfect for holding a pile of laundry, or two! Who sits in their bedroom anyway? With every bit of good intention, I pile a stack of clean, folded laundry on this poor little chair as I tell myself I'll put it away later. The later comes and goes and another pile of laundry is folded and added to the mix and before I know it I look like I'm a hoarder. I was scurrying around the house all morning in preparation for the cleaning lady to arrive, the mad dash to pick everything up. Cleaning ladies clean, they don't pick up your crap, very important difference. The pre-cleaning lady pick up puts most of my house back in order, except for this darn chair! I left her a little note promising I'd dazzle her one of these days by having all my clothes put away but then letting her know that day wasn't here yet. Looking at the photo I even see a roll of Christmas wrapping paper, a total give away of how long it's been since I gave that area a thorough once over. If you can ignore my mess and focus in on the fabulous blue hat with lemons, you'll see a derby hat from years past. It was one of my greatest creations, so why not keep it out where I can admire my work each day? Home is my happy place, where everything that surrounds me makes me smile. Ok, so my pile of laundry might make me smile but at times it does make me laugh. Imagine the pride I'll feel one day when each item is picked up, put away or hung reveling the pretty bedroom chair, pristine from being covered for years. That will be something to see when it happens, but who are we kidding, that day won't be today! 


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