Day 633 Fun in the Forecast
Derby hats from the past keep coming up in my photo memories. This fabulous pink and black hat was worn a decade ago, made for me by my daughter and was spectacular. It is also the only hat I foolishly disassembled to reuse the flowers and feathers, I'll never make that mistake again! I absolutely love pink and black but don't like wearing black dresses unless absolutely necessary so a purple dress came into play. Check out the gaudy bauble necklace, fabulous! I seem to have recently gone back to the same hairstyle, short and sassy to fit my personality. I worked on a few fun accessories for this weekends Derby event, the devils always in the details. I also ordered something fun for the food item I'll be bringing, a bit over the top but that's no surprise, sorry but it's all still a secret. I had wanted to spend the evening at the beach club, welcoming my Connecticut friend back to RI but since I'm still functioning at half mast I erred on the side of sensible and stayed home for an early bedtime. I also scurried around the house like a crazy person, picking things up before my cleaning lady arrives. I go through each room like a tornado, picking up shoes, coats, random discarded items and quickly remove them before the deep clean. Tim is never happy to hear it's cleaning day, he knows it means he needs to pick up all his things, put away clothing and cough up cash. I'm sure he'll never admit it, but it's a slice of heaven coming home to a freshly cleaned house. I would do it, but I'd need to take a weekday off to make it happen, I've got plans for my weekends! I see fun in the forecast, although I'm not sure what I like more, the actual event or all the enjoyment I get from the preparations.
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