Day 634 One Basket
Eggs, eggs and more eggs, my spring chickens are in full production mode. Tim and I were thrilled to gather eight eggs from the laying box, looks like almost all of our girls are pulling their weight. Of course Scrappy has never laid an egg and we believe Quarentina is finished laying, not sure what other hen (out of our eleven big girls) didn't contribute but we're happy with eight eggs. The little chicks are getting bigger every day and still loving their outdoor coop. They run to the fence line every time I go out to feed the big girls, eager to join the flock. I was eager to get home, smell my clean house, soak in the vision of clean counters, sit for a minute and pretend I had nothing to do. After that minute of make-believe I carried in three fifty pound bags of chicken feed and set to my nightly chores. I worked on my Derby outfit again, making small accessories to add a few fun touches to an already outrageously detailed ensemble. I won't go on about it, was really trying to give you a day off from reading about my derby prep but I can't help it! I'm so excited to play dress up and to see all my friends in their fancy hats. I've been taking my medicine and resting up so I can feel better for the weekend, slowly getting there. Even feeling crappy I've been getting my steps in, consistently tracking at least 30 to 35 thousand steps each day. Sounds like a lot but it's only keeping me in fourth place! The next week should be interesting as the challenge comes to a close. I should be happy with fourth, out of 759 people, especially as an old bird, but we all know I never strive for fourth. At least I have my fabulous derby outfit to distract me and a clean house to come home to, I try never to put all my eggs in one basket!