Day 635 Derby Eve


Spring is in the air, flowers blooming and the weather is slowly warming up. Everywhere I look I see buds on the verge of blossoming and spring flowers in bloom. I suppose with my allergies acting up I shouldn't be brining the beautiful flowers inside, but I can't help myself. Azaleas certainly have the biggest bang with bright beautiful flowers, although short lived they are spectacular when in bloom. Maybe in my next life I'll become a gardener, have beautiful flower beds and vegetable gardens and pick fresh vegetables and bouquets each day. During this lifetime I'll be thankful for the perennials that just keep thriving despite my lack of attention and the farm stand vegetables I can easily buy. My talents serve me better in other aspects of my life right now, like putting together fancy outfits and entertaining my friends. I was home early and in bed before the sun went down, trying to force my body into feeling better with rest. Tim cooked dinner for the two of us, after I grumbled at him that I'd starve. He's not known for his cooking skills, but I had confidence he could make it happen. The Hello Fresh recipe was in front of him with all ingredients measured out, it was a struggle but after an hour of concentration and effort, dinner was served and was delicious. I needed all the rest I could get on the eve of derby day! The race will begin at 6:57pm with pre and post party fun, I've done my research and have my favorite horse selected. I think Fierceness will win, not a shocker as it's the 5-2 favored champion but I also love it's name. For those of you who aren't fans of the derby, make a plan for next year, learn a bit about the horses, throw a party and make a fancy hat, I guarantee you'll be hooked! The race only takes about two minutes to complete, so the majority of a derby is the party fanfare surrounding it, and oh, how I love fanfare. The derby is always held on the first Saturday in May, another fabulous indicator of springtime. Horse races, fresh flowers and parties that overflow outside, makes even the springtime allergies worth it. 


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