Day 644 Mother's Day


A handmade gift for Mother's Day is a tradition I look forward to. Each year my daughter makes me a card and writes the nicest messages inside. Mother's Day is tricky for women, who have moms, are moms and have raised moms, who's day is it? When my kids were young I would have them do yard work with me as my Mother's Day gift, I knew they couldn't complain about helping on my special day. Although I didn't have my kids around to help, I figured it was a good day to get some yard work done anyway. I mowed the lawn, trimmed the hedges, pruned and picked up the yard. I arranged a few planters and hung a beautiful new fuchsia plant my daughter gave me before calling it a day. By the time I came inside I was, once again a filthy mess, covered with dirt yet feeling as if I had squeezed the most out of a day without rain. As I cooked a delicious dinner I wished for more hours in the day, or at least the weekend. The household chores double once the nice weather hits and yard maintenance comes into play. Even with all the extra work, the sunshine and fresh air are a decent consolation prizes and there's nothing like a freshly mowed lawn! The nicest part of my day was sitting down for a visit with my daughter, she and I thankful for the closeness of our relationship and each smart enough to appreciate it. I have always known I was placed on this planet to raise her and my boys, so on Mother's Day I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for each of them. My kids expand my knowledge by learning everything that interests them, who knew kids make you smarter? They have made me more patient, by driving me crazy at times but that's all just part of being a mom. They dazzle me with their awesomeness and each time I see them I am in awe of them, proud of the amazing people they are and like to think I had a hand in it.  I hear people talk about the terrible twos or the horrible teenage years and can honestly say I haven't hit an age yet with my kids that I didn't love, now in their 30's and 40's, maybe when they are fifty I'll find them troublesome. My daughters beautiful handmade card will be displayed on my table for weeks to come, as a reminder of how lucky I am to be called mom. Don't get me started on how much I like being called Grammy, that's for another day. 


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