Day 655 Queen
We can always count on Pep to watch over the chickens while they explore the backyard. Most of the birds are bigger than her, so I'm not sure who's protecting whom but it's always fun to watch. She prowls around them, lounges and if she gets too close one of the hens is sure to put her back in her place. The banter between Pep and the chickens provides endless entertainment each evening. People often ask me how much work chickens are, as well as how much they cost each month. I find those questions funny, since it would be unusual to ask someone how much work their dog costs or how much it costs to feet it. Sure, all pets create work for their owners and there's always a cost, but the rewards far outweigh all of that, which is why there's so many household pets. I enjoy going outside each morning to feed my girls and wish them a great day. I return home to find fresh eggs waiting for me, wonderful presents from happy hens....take that dogs! My new chicks are mingling with the big girls now and holding their own. Its amazing how fast they have grown in just a few short months. The two hens pictured in the photo are Megatron and Betty White, two out of three of my second batch of hens. If you're not familiar with chicken math, it's complicated...somehow five chickens turns into a flock of 35 in just a few years! For chicken lovers like myself, it's easy to understand, if you ask me how many chickens I have, I immediately think, not enough! I don't have 35...yet, but can see how easy it would be. My seven new girls are such fun to watch grow as they integrate into their new home, I have a feeling they might want a few new friends next year. I also believe Pep is quite content with her feathered friends and has no need for another cat coming into her territory, after all, she's the queen.
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