Day 664 Divvying it up
There are no boys allowed in my coop, but I sure do love the majestic beauty of my new decorative Rooster adorning my deck. My sister in law brought it for me as a gift and a very sweet one at that! We sat on my deck, admiring my new guy and enjoying the beautiful weather. The sun has finally decided to show up and give us a spectacular weekend day, thankfully not saving the nicest days for during the week. I had planned on sitting outside all afternoon, never wanting to leave home and I almost accomplished my mission, but ended up out to dinner once the sun was down. My backyard crew of friends moved from my house to the Mariner Grille to enjoy the consistently delicious food, wine and company, carrying on far later than we should have. We also should have probably split the check since I'm sure I ate more than my fair share, ordering a steak, while my sister in law only had a few stuffies and chowder. It's tough divvy the check up evenly without looking like your nitpicking, no matter what direction it's in, so we all just threw down evenly, even though I'm sure it wasn't. I had a friend back in high school that would divvy the check, down to who ate more of the shared French fries and would determine the cost, down to pennies. I always let her go, and gave whatever she came up with, somehow I was always accused of eating more fries than she did so always owed a bit more. Likewise I have a friend who always wants to split the check evenly although she orders outrageous amounts, even adding a take home order for her husband and then wanting to split the check down the middle! When I dine with her now, I arrive at the restaurant early and make sure we'll be getting separate bills. I adore my friends, the generous ones, the cheap ones and all of them in-between, they each bring a wonderful dimensions to my world. My sister in law is defiantly in the generous category, bringing me a thoughtful gift on a random Saturday and splitting the check without hesitation after enjoying unbalanced meals. My new rooster will sit proudly on my deck, reminding me of how thoughtful people can be and how lucky I am to have such kindness in my world. He'll also make me mindful of how I'd like to be thought of in the generous and thoughtful category. Kindness always matters and the ripple effects are unmistakable.... I for one, hope to leave lots of ripples in my wake.
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