Day 670 Projects in Queue


Photo evidence I relaxed, even if only for short time. I was eager to get as much accomplished as possible to get a jumpstart on my weekend. After mowing the lawn, trimming the riverbank, spray painting another chair, finishing up a few more rows of stenciling, I was off to pick up two outdoor chairs and a small table I saw on Marketplace. The metal set will be perfect once I give it a bit of TLC and will add much needed additional seating to my patio area. Tim of course questions why we need so many chairs, since there's only two of us he thinks we only need two. Clearly, he's not envisioning all the cookouts and parties we'll be having this summer! Even without parties we need lots of seating when our kids visit with their families, numbering over a dozen...and growing! Tim seems to love the couch swing we hung under the deck, he can sit and watch me stencil and scurry around doing my busy work from a cozy spot. We still need to redo our patio area under the deck, extending it a bit but holy cow is that a lot of work. I'm formulating my plan of action for that area while I get the rest of the yard up to speed. If I thought there was a lot of housework, it pales in comparison to the amount of chores involved with yard care. No wonder my front yard looks like an abandoned home, I can't seem to get ahead of it! At least the bee's are happy with the natural habitat I provide them, maybe I should make a little sign, "for the bee's" and pretend my intention was to keep it wild. Taming the front yard is on my lengthy to do list, not at the top, but it's there. I am most creative when I have lots to do, finding fun projects as a way of procrastinating doing the less enjoyable tasks. That might have something to do with me stenciling a 16' x 16' concrete slab or spray painting furniture, much more fun than weeding or redoing a brick patio. When I was little I was known for scurrying around nonstop, busy taking care of things, mostly made up things. I had lots of dolls and would be on the go dressing, feeding, changing and tending to their every need. From morning to night I never stopped moving with all my "work", my mother nicknaming me, busy mother Rachel. I suppose today they would label me ADHD and medicate me, but in the 60's and 70's parents just had to let us roll and watch our nonstop antics. As I think about all the things I need to do, projects in queue, I know I'll get to it good time but along the way I'll be sure to lay on my deck and stare up to the sky, watching the clouds drift by, daydreaming and least for a minute or two. 


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