Day 673 Spray Paint Magic


After all my bragging about my fancy spray painted flower pots, I figured I'd show a photo as evidence of my success. It really was an amazing magical transformation. Another item saved from the landfill as my friend now says every time I show off a fix me up project. I always prefer the fix me up to the throw away and rebuy, especially when the fix is so simple! The $6 can of spray paint covered three large pots with two coats, not bad at all. I'm still working on my outdoor dining set, have two chairs done, slowly working my way to completion. The taping slows me down, carefully covering nylon seats with newspaper and painters tape. The prep work for those items takes a great deal of time and isn't half as fun as spraying the frame with paint. I'm on to fabric spray paint now as well, have some faded couch cushions that are still in great shape, the color has just faded unevenly making it look drab. I've never worked with fabric spray paint before so curious how they will turn out, although I have a feeling I'll be thrilled with the final results. Looking at the first coating on the cushions, Tim wasn't impressed, but he can't envision the final product as I do. I don't mind the messy process, the first stages that make people cringe at what they have started,  I just keep going, foolishly maybe, but it usually works out. The couch cushions will be the last of my painting projects. I have a few more pots to paint, dining set to finish and cushions to paint but then I'll be done...promise. I bought a couple beautiful red hibiscus bushes for a big splash of color inside the big blue flower pots, the red flowers and big green leaves are perfect inside the bright blue pots. Hibiscus can't remain outside once the cold weather arrives, that will be a problem for the fall. For now I'll just enjoy the tropical vibe as I sit back and relax in the sunshine with a can of spray paint or two. 


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