Day 679 Socializing and Sunshine
Blue skies, warm beach sand and sunshine, don't mind if I do. I packed up enough food for the entire day (for a small army) before setting out for my first official beach day of summer, anticipating a long day. Once my feet hit the sand the rest of the world, projects, household chores and any sense of time, couldn't penetrate my relaxation vibe. As busy as I am throughout my typical day, my level of relaxation on the beach is equally impressive. I may or may not have even taken a short nap mid day. Yes, I wore a bikini as I've been threatening all spring and yes, it looked and felt amazing, if I do say so myself. Each person on the beach is far too consumed with worrying about their own bodies imperfections to care 1% about what I was wearing anyway, so why not? The beach was scattered with only a few people, oddly sparse for such a beautiful day, no complaints about that. A few folks went swimming, although after going in ankle deep I determined it's still a bit too cold for me. My son and brother in law were two of the brave souls that ventured into the water, making it look almost like a good idea, but not convincing enough for me to join them. My sister in law Alida brought pizza chips from one of RI's oldest bakeries and when offered, I accepted as if I hadn't packed one snack of my own. Why is it other peoples food at the beach is so much tastier? Tim and I usually sit with Alida and Tims brother Ray on the beach, whoever arrives first picking the spot and setting up camp. My beach BFF, Donna and her husband sit with us as well, when they can, allowing me to mix two of my favorite things, socializing and sunshine. Now that beach season is here I'm sure my projects will be placed on the back burners, summer is short so I hate to miss a second of it. Whatever needs doing might have to wait until fall, I've got a spot on the beach waiting for me.