Day 685 Good Deed Doers
Slightly obsessed with my new little sign, even more thrilled with the story behind it. After carrying on about how great my patio turned out with the stenciling and furniture rehab, renaming it my bistro, my friend had this sign made for me. Of course, she's clever so had it written in French, so cool! Imagine her surprise when she opened my blog to read about how the bistro name is evolving into the chicken coop bistro.....after she'd put the order in for the sign, saying exactly that!? They say great minds think alike but holy cow are we in sync or what? She even had the sign made in blue, knowing that's my chosen accent color. Established in 2024 makes me smile, a stamp in time for all my hard work. Now I just need to invite her over for wine and cheese in the chicken coop bistro with lively entertainment provided by my flock. I may have to put together a few canapés and French pastries to complete the vibe. Let's also not overlook her thoughtfulness, taking the time to special order my gift with meticulous detail, having it made, sent, wrapped and tied with a bow before presenting it to me on a June night for no other reason than to see me smile. Thoughtfulness is something that can't be taught but is possibly one of the greatest traits a person can have. The ability to make another human feel special is a gift and somehow I've surrounded myself with friends that have this talent. Sadly, there are also people who go about their business doing whatever it is that makes only themselves happy, never thinking about others. I doubt these folks ever get random gifts and I'm sure they've never given one. I strive to be a human that makes others feel special, a good deed doer as often as possible. Wouldn't it be amazing if everyone went out of their way to make someone else smile each day? It's the "out of your way" part that makes it more valuable, usually the only cost is effort. Thoughtful people often end up with self centric folks and it least for a while. Self centric folks walk a fine line of becoming vampires, sucking all the thoughtfulness out of the people around them until finally there's nothing left to give. Grab your garlic quick if you encounter a vampire (as we all have), they're always on the lookout for kind folks to feast upon. I'll be sitting in my bistro, nibbling on tasty French treats, wearing a clove around my neck, thankful for surrounding myself with good deed doers as I hold the vampires at bay. My next sign may have to say, "no vampires allowed"!
“A clove around my neck” 😂 db