Day 690 Kitchen Mojo


One item of furniture I can't live kitchen couch. It also claims the lead in the most replaced item of furniture in my household, for good reason. It's my daily "spot" and invites everyone that enters my kitchen to sit down and relax. A couch in the kitchen may seem strange if you've never had one, but for those of us that have never lived without one, it's as needed as the kitchen rocking chair. I had the opportunity to completely renovate my kitchen twenty years ago and had peoples chatter in my ear telling me I needed an island, right where my rocking chair sits. I can't imagine giving up my gathering space for functionality, all about priorities folks. This new white couch is a tad too big for the space, the wrong color for the amount of use it will get, but will serve me well for the next least five to ten years. My first kitchen loveseat fit perfectly in the spot, was a pretty little green velvet sofa that each of my kids remember fondly, so much so that when I wanted to get rid of it my daughter quickly claimed it and still uses it today. I grew up with a kitchen that had a rocking chair and love seat and figured all kitchens did...or at least should. I realize most kitchens aren't designed for seating areas other than the kitchen table, and mine really isn't either, not big enough for it, but it works. I wake up each day and sit in my comfy spot while I write, Tim sits and chats with me as I cook, family gathers in the kitchen,  kids fight for seats on the couch and it makes the perfect spot for a nap, it is the center of my household,  tough job for one little loveseat. My daughter, although hasn't lived home for ages, hates change so I was sure to call her, send photos of the new couch warning her change was afoot. Tim goes with the flow after years of seeing me change items without notice. He never knows what's coming in or going out, but fortunately still helps me pick up, carry and move items when asked. He's accustomed to extra furniture living temporarily in the walkway of the dining room, my staging area for pieces on their way out. I have an eye out for new items at all times, open to change and ready to give a new piece a long as they don't change my kitchen mojo. 


  1. Quintessential kitchen piece - would not be your kitchen without one! Islands are overrated

  2. I love your kitchen, it is always inviting.


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