Day 691 Age Pods
Another beautiful night at the beach...aren't they all? Every Friday night there's a gathering on the deck of the club, each person brings an appetizer to share and everyone celebrates the start of the weekend. Those of us that are still working may celebrate a bit more! We all nibble on a smorgasbord of snacks, watch the sunset, relax, unwind and appreciate the summer season. There was even an anniversary celebration to add to the festivities, beach friends celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary! Imagine that? Tim and I will never see such an anniversary, unless we live to be over one hundred and ten. Its nice to see a couple happily married after so long, bonds of love and friendship visible. I'd guess friendship becomes as important as love after a while, if not more. The couple brought a cake to share with everyone, adding a sweet treat to the table. We sat on the deck enjoying the sunshine, although the temps were cool and before long the strong winds pushed us all inside. One of my favorite things about the beach club are the relationships I've made, connecting with amazing people of all ages. It's funny how age is irrelevant when it comes to making friends. I've never agreed with our school systems that corrals kids of the same age together, segregating them from everyone greater than one year older or younger. Imagine how much kids would learn from a mixed age classroom?? Some kids are born nurturers and would teach the younger children while older kids would learn to become role models...doubt it will happen but it makes sense to me. When I taught dance, if I identified a "troublemaker" I'd ask them for their help with a younger student and watch as they accepted the challenge, eager to show off their abilities with appreciation for my confidence in them. Homeschooling my own children I was often asked if I was worried about their socialization. Funny that no one ever asked if I was worried about their education, only if they'd be socially awkward. I think it's disadvantageous to only allow kids to interact with people the exact same age. The only time in their lives they will be within such pods is within their educational incarceration. As I sat with my friends, teaching them about QR codes and listening to their stories, our ages irrelevant, I couldn't help but wonder about all the wonderful friends I haven't met yet. Imagine if I live to be 90 how many more wonderful people will come into my life?? If all goes well I'll have years to continue accumulating the best of life's treasures...of all ages and hopefully enjoy countless beach sunsets with them all.
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